A training course titled “Fundamentals of Health Insurance” was successfully conducted at the headquarters of the Specialized Center for Consultation and Training, hosted by MIS Company. Over 50 trainees, consisting of human resources managers and health insurance specialists from the Yemeni Oil Company, actively participated in the course. The program aimed to provide comprehensive knowledge and insights into various aspects of health insurance.

The course covered a wide range of important topics related to health insurance. These included understanding the mechanisms for managing the risk of healthcare expenses, exploring different patterns of spending on health services, examining alternative financing options for healthcare, analyzing the division and classification of health insurance systems, and delving into the realm of private health insurance. Additionally, the course addressed the challenges that health insurance faces and explored possible justifications for its failure.

Dr. Adel Ahmed Al-Emad, a highly esteemed expert in the field, served as the main lecturer for the course. Dr. Al-Emad is an Associate Professor of Community Medicine at Sana’a University’s College of Medicine. He is also a renowned health management and health economics consultant, as well as the founder and president of the Specialized Health Insurance Company.

The leadership of the Yemeni Oil Company, along with the trainees themselves, expressed their appreciation for the valuable knowledge and skills they gained throughout the course. They acknowledged the course’s significance in providing them with a deeper understanding of different health insurance patterns, thereby enhancing their expertise in the field.
